This UCITS fund invests primarily in equities of companies worldwide that have strong cash flow, earnings growth, manageable debt levels and a sustainable business model. In case you would like to receive more information on the actual selection process we recommend getting in touch with the appointed portfolio manager BAO Capital Partners who is happy to provide substantial details on the strategy and its operational implementation.
All information with respect to the ongoing performance of this fund (and in some cases additional historic/older documents) can be found on the website of the Liechtenstein Fund Association. Below you find the specific link to this particular fund for your convenience.
14.05.2024 | PRIIP KID (DEU)
14.05.2024 | PRIIP KID (ENG)
14.05.2024 | KIID (DEU)
14.05.2024 | KIID (ENG)
30.06.2024 | Halbjahresbericht
30.06.2024 | Semi-annual report
31.12.2023 | Jahresbericht
31.12.2023 | Annual report