This Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) invests in natural diamonds and cooperates with a highly qualified team of specialists. In case you would like to receive more information on the actual portfolio of gemstones that the fund does have exposure to, the selection process of stones or any other information related to direct or indirect investments into natural diamonds, we ask you to get in touch and are happy to provide substantial answers to all questions that might arise.
All information with respect to the ongoing performance of this fund (and in some cases additional historic/older documents) can be found on the website of the Liechtenstein Fund Association. Below you find the specific link to this particular fund for your convenience. | PRIIP KID (DEU)
30.06.2024 | FactSheet Early Bird (DEU)
30.06.2024 | FactSheet Early Bird (ENG)
30.06.2024 | FactSheet Professional (DEU)
30.06.2024 | FactSheet Professional (ENG)