
CEE Investment Funds – Central and Eastern Europe Investment Fund A

Direct or indirect economic approach

This Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) is investing in real estate and does have a focus on the commercial and hospitality sector. High quality office buildings and hotels in major European cities are the core of the assets. In case you would like to receive more information please get in touch with us.




Additional details

All information with respect to the ongoing performance of this fund (and in some cases additional historic/older documents) can be found on the website of the Liechtenstein Fund Association. Below you find the specific link to this particular fund for your convenience.


Constitutive documents and subscription forms


Documents, notifications and reports

Further fund documents

Periodic reports

01.08.2023 | Jahresbericht

30.04.2024 | Jahresbericht


Investor notifications

ONE Funds AG
Austrasse 14
FL - 9495 Triesen
P +423 388 10 00
F +423 388 10 01
Handelsreg.-Nr. FL-0002.299.012-3
IBAN: LI23 0880 5504 2121 6000 1
© 2024  ONE FUNDS AG